Persepolis: few cities of the ancient world can rival Persepolis as the symbol and image of a whole world, of a boundless kingdom that ruled Asia for two hundred years, extending from the Aegean to the Indian Ocean: the Persian Empire

From 1964 to 1979 an Italian mission of ISMEO (now known as ISIAO)  -the Italian Institute for the Middle and Far East –worked on the restoration of Persepolis. The man in charge of the restoration work was the architect Giuseppe Tilia. Over the space of fifteen years he collected invaluable data on the most important archeological site of ancient Persia.

Through the story of this important mission, new important archeological features of Persepolis have been revealed.



director: Adolfo Conti

locations: Rome, Persepolis, Naqsh-e-Rostam

year: 2004

lenght: 30 minuti



Festival: Rassegna Internazionale del Cinema Archeologico, Rovereto 2005 (Italia)


scientific advisor:  Pierfrancesco Callieri

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